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Legal Separation

At Raza Family Law Solutions, our legal separation attorneys are experienced, reliable, and compassionate advocate for clients. With an exclusive focus on family law and a commitment to collaborative problem-solving, it is our mission to help you and your family find the best path forward. If you have any specific questions about legal separations, we can help. Click the link provided to set up a confidential, no obligation consultation with a family law attorney. 

What is a Legal Separation in Missouri?

In Missouri, a married couple has the right to obtain a legal separation. Broadly defined, a legal separation is a formal separation agreement that has been recognized by a court. In Missouri, a couple that has been legally separated will live apart and, often, will have certain rights and responsibilities defined by an agreement. For example, a separated couple may divide certain property, agree to alimony terms, or agree to child support payments. 

Understanding the Differences (and Similarities) Between a Legal Separation and a Divorce

It is important to clarify that a legal separation is not the same thing as a divorce. In Missouri, a legal separation is a wholly distinct option. A legal separation may eventually lead to a divorce. However, in other situations, a legal separation can actually serve as a path to the long-term reunification of the couple. Here are three key things to know about the difference and similarities between legal separation and divorce in Missouri: 

  • Difference: A legally separated couple is still technically married. They cannot get re-married. However, once you are officially legally separated, either spouse can petition the Court to have the legal separation converted into a divorce.
  • Similarly: With a legal separation agreement, you still have to agree on property division, child custody, child support, and maintenance (alimony).  Divorce and legal separation are exactly the same in this regard.
  • Similarly: Collaborative and cooperative solutions often work best with both legal separations and divorces. 

How Our Family Lawyer Can Help With a Legal Separation

Going through a legal separation is never easy—even if both spouses agree that it is the right decision. At Raza Family Law Solutions, we help our clients navigate through the separation process in the smoothest possible manner. Our firm has experience with mediation, attorney assisted mediation, cooperative, and collaborative law. A legal separation does not have to be a fight. Among other things, our legal separation lawyers are prepared to: 

  • Listen to your story and explain your options for a separation; 
  • Help handle any legal paperwork and filing requirements; and
  • Provide full-service family law representation designed to protect your rights. 

Call Our Legal Separation Attorney Today

At Raza Family Law Solutions, our legal separation lawyers are compassionate, experienced, and solutions-driven advocate for clients. If you have any questions about your rights or your options, we are here as a resource. Click the link provided for a confidential consultation. Our firm handles legal separations in St. Louis County, St. Louis City, St. Charles County, and throughout the wider region. 

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