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(314) 314-5505


Sophya Qureshi

I am the oldest child of immigrant parents and was the first to graduate from college on my mother’s side of the family. I have wanted to be a lawyer ever since I drafted a contract at the age of 12 for my mom and sister to sign involving my sister’s desire for a perm. It was this first instance of helping two individuals resolve their dispute in a fair manner that hooked me. I live in Wildwood with my daughter and 3 dogs. In my free time, I play tennis, workout, garden and spend time meeting all the dogs!
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From divorce to advocacy

Journey to
Family Law

Despite vowing to never return to St. Louis after college, here I am. I returned to St. Louis after college in DC and stayed here for law school. In between graduating from college and attending law school, I worked at Edgewood Children’s Center with physically and sexually abused children. It was this experience that first sparked my interest in family law. I wanted to choose a career that I was passionate about and that I was good at and found that fit with family law.

I have focused my practice solely on family law since graduating from law school in 2002. I have found that concentrating my practice on family law has allowed me to gain a very deep understanding of the issues and laws involved.

When I first started practicing, I only focused on traditional family law litigation in court. As I have grown in my practice, I have realized that while some cases must be litigated in court, many situations can be efficiently and effectively resolved outside of the courtroom. With this in mind, I also began working as a family law mediator and a Collaborative family law attorney.

Favorite Book
Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora
Neale Hurston

I mostly love reading crime thrillers and mysteries.

Favorite Podcast
Anything true crime related
Favorite Quote
Success isn’t about how your life looks to others. It’s about how it feels to you. We realized that being successful isn’t about being impressive, it’s about being inspired. That’s what it means to be true to yourself.

Michelle Obama