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Missouri Modifications Lawyer Assisting Clients 

After going through a complex or high-conflict family law case, it can be frustrating to realize that there is a need to modify an existing order. At the same time, it may be necessary to seek a modification of child custody, child support, or spousal support for a wide range of reasons. Generally speaking, if there is a significant change in circumstances, you may need to modify the order that is currently in place. In general, some minor modifications to custody can be made without involving the court, but most major modifications to any family law order will need to be approved by the court. To have this process go smoothly and quickly, you should consider either mediation, cooperative or collaborative a  process to attempt to resolve any disputes concerning a modification. There are various ways in which the tenets of cooperative or collaborative law can help you resolve an existing dispute without the conflict of litigation. Our  modifications lawyers can help.

What Is a Modification?

The term “modification” refers to any formal change to an existing family law order, such as:

  • Child custody and parenting plan;
  • Child support; and
  • Spousal maintenance (alimony).

While family law orders are put in place with the best information available at the time of the order, it is important to know that Missouri law recognizes that situations change. Indeed, various types of life changes, both good and bad, can necessitate a modification of an existing family law order. Whether you are moving out of state for a new job and need to modify child custody or you have experienced a change in financial circumstances that necessitates a modification of a support order under Missouri law, our firm is here to help you. 

Modifying Existing Family Law Orders

How can you modify an existing family law order in Missouri? Generally speaking, Missouri law says that you must show that there has been a substantial change in circumstances. In particular, Missouri law requires the party seeking a modification to demonstrate that “changed circumstances so substantial and continuing as to make the terms unreasonable.” In other words, your circumstances (or your ex’s or your child’s) must have undergone a change that is substantial enough that it does not make sense for the current family law order to remain in place. Whether or not a change in circumstances is substantial will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Some examples of substantial changes in circumstances could include, for example:

  • Taking a new job that requires relocating to a new location;
  • Receiving a significant pay increase;
  • Losing a job and being unable to find work; or
  • Suffering an injury and becoming disabled.

Contact a Modifications Lawyer 

While some family law modifications can be contentious, you can work through the process peacefully with mediation, cooperative or collaborative law. One of our  modification attorneys can speak with you about attorney assisted mediation and how to resolve any conflicts concerning a modification peacefully. Contact Raza Family Law Solutions today via the link provided to schedule a confidential consultation.  We provide  modification representation in St. Louis County, St. Louis City, St. Charles County and throughout the wider region.

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