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Our Child Custody Attorneys Help Parents Work Towards Low-Conflict Solutions 

At Raza Family Law Solutions, our child custody lawyers are compassionate and solutions-focused advocate for parents and families. With extensive experience in mediation, we put a strong emphasis on helping our clients find cooperative and collaborative solutions whenever possible. For a confidential, no commitment consultation with an experienced custody law attorney, please do not hesitate to contact us today. 

What to Know About Custody Law in Missouri

Child custody and visitation issues are largely handled under state law. As a parent going through a divorce, separation, or other type of custody issues, it is essential that you understand how Missouri law works. Here are three things to know about custody laws in Missouri: 

  1. Legal and Physical Custody are Separate Concepts: The term custody refers to both “physical” and “legal” custody. Whereas physical custody is the time where the child actually spends his/her time, legal custody is decision-making authority. 
  2. Best Interests of the Child Comes First: Missouri has a “best interests of the child” statute. In a custody dispute before a court, the child’s best interests—in regards to health, safety, well-being, and development—come first.  
  3. Collaborative Parenting Presumed Best: Sole custody can be awarded in Missouri. However, courts always default to shared, collaborative parenting when possible.   

We Take a Mindful Approach to Custody Cases 

With a dedication to family law, our firm takes a mindful and collaborative approach to custody cases. We understand that custody disputes can be some of the most difficult and emotional cases in family law, and we strive to handle each case with sensitivity, care, and personal attention. We are adept in the full range of alternative dispute resolution methods, including mediation, attorney assisted mediation, collaborative, and cooperative law. While our attorney will never let your parental rights take a backseat, we are here to help you find solutions that work. 

How A Child Custody Attorney Can Help

Family law conflicts are challenging—especially so when children are involved. You do not have to figure everything out on your own. At Raza Family Law Solutions, we know how much your family and your children matter. Our goal is to set you up for the best future. When you reach out to our law firm, you will have a chance to speak to a child custody lawyer who can: 

  • Listen to your story and answer your questions about child custody and family law; 
  • Gather all of the information that you will need to proceed in the custody case; 
  • Work with you to find a collaborative solution, including  mediation; and
  • Take action to protect your rights and your family. 

Call Our Custody Law Lawyer for Immediate Assistance

At Raza Family Law Solutions, our custody law attorneys provide personalized legal guidance and support. We are ready to work with you and your co-parent to find a cooperative and collaborative  solution. If you have any questions about custody law, our team can help. Contact us today for a confidential consultation via the link provided. We provide child custody representation in St. Louis County, St. Louis City,  St. Charles County and throughout the wider region.

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